Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cards talk

Rumor has it that albert and co. are a little frustrated with the way talks are going. Is this a bargaining ploy or could he really be frustrated with the cards? My thought is that its part of the process and that here in the next week or two Albert can go ahead and etch his name and number out on that left field wall where he belongs. Ill be happy to pay $9 a beer to watch #5 anchor down 1st for the next 6-10 years.
Not sure what the thought in signing Jim Edmonds was. Sentimental value is over rated in today's market. If he plays his way on, awesome but his numbers last year were putrid and I doubt highly he improves much. Not saying myself and all cards fans wouldn't LOVE to see Jim climb the wall just one more time at Busch. I just hope that injuries don't force him into the lineup. Colby is and should be the future center fielder/number 2 hitter for years to come but I don't think Tony has the foresight to see it. Projected rough draft off the top of my head lineup. (I know I know, Tony will change it daily.) Skip, Colby, Albert, Holliday, Lance, Yadi, Freese, Theriot, Carp. Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Would Tony really bat the pitcher ninth? I think not...
    More Cards talk coming tomorrow.
