Thursday, April 14, 2011


So Barry Bonds is only found guilty of obstruction of justice? Really? After all of that evidence a jury couldnt convict Bonds of perjury? What a freakin joke! On the radio people are calling in saying "who really cares?" then it was asked "does the real baseball fan care about all of this steroid stuff, after all it were these "juicers" that saved baseball" In my opinion and I am only one man, it will forever matter to me. Part of my love for baseball is the love for all the crazy statistics that baseball has, growing up I knew all the HR numbers of the 500HR club, I knew Cy Young had 511 wins, I knew Ty Cobbs lifetime batting avg, I knew that 56 meant DiMaggio's Hitting streak and that Ted Williams was last hitter to hit .400. Players who have decided to use PEDs have tainted these cherished statistics and have forever tainted the game. I was right there with everyone else back in 1998 glued to the TV and checking sportscenter to see "did McGwire hit another one, how about Sammy" That was a magical year, no doubt about that but looking back on it now, its kinda sad. I will say this, McGwire and Sosa are both great guys and have done so much with there fame and fortune to help children out in thier areas and hometowns but its just sad to think that these guys "cheated the game" and frankly "cheated us" I love the HR just as much as the next person, but not if its not 100% real. As a lifetime baseball fan I have to say "i do care" Shame on MLB for allowing the "steroids era" to happen and not do anything about it and Shame on the "juicers" for tainting a game I love. I personally hope the Hall of Fame voters keep them all out of the Hall of Fame, which is a shame because most of the guys on the list, especially Barry Bonds would be HOFers even with out the juice, but then again we will never know now will we? As the years go by I hope we can distance ourselves from the "steroid era" and find our baseball Heroes that play the game the right way.


  1. The problem is that this thing was dragged out for so long that the attention span of the sports fan has long since faded away.

    I also do not think that the common American is smart enough to be on a jury like this. It is too technical and scientific. It is like teaching calculus to a 5th grader. It just isn't going to get through.

  2. There are two ways to approach this topic in my opinion.
    A: Look at it from a business standpoint.
    B: Consider the history of the game.
    From a business standpoint it's simple, baseball was in a bad way from the early 90s, the strike of 94 loomed large over the conscious of the masses. Steroids ignited a passion in baseball that had not been seen in decades. Baseball was the talk of the town everywhere you went. As you mentioned, people would ask "How'd Mark do today?" Much like it was back in the 20s-30s when people inquired about the Babe. Business boomed for baseball when Mark and Sammy captivated the world.
    The other side of it is the fact that yes they did "soil" the game. But let's look at baseball's history and examine when else the game has been soiled. Pete Rose clearly had a negative effect of baseball, but the powers that be themselves are responsible for the permanent black eye left from not allowing anyone besides white people to compete in the MLB. How many of baseball's greats' numbers would be diminished if all of the latin american countries and black players were allowed to play. I highly doubt even the babe could call hitting a 90MPH slider out of the park.
    Either way, steroids happened. Whether we like it or not we were tricked. But how sweet was that ignorance? Me personally having grown up during the height of it all, was probably drawn in more because of the great story line. Much like when anything else in your life screws up that you love, you must forgive and forget. Enjoy the talents that we are for sure were drug free. KGJ, Pujols, Jeter to name a few. Baseball will return to glory with the right people atop the mountain.
