Well, we have all either not had much to say, or we are all slacking. Either way I want to put something out there that has been driving me nuts. NO, it is not the pathetic start by Ryan Franklin. I have been VERY unhappy with my LG blu ray player.
What the heck does this have to do with sports? Well my player is supposed to support my MLB.tv package. But that has not been the case. First off, they did not have any preseason games that my blu ray player could get. This was not too big a deal as not many of my Cardinals games were ever broadcast this spring. But since they did not have spring training games they were unable to work out any kinks!
Opening day came and my MLB.tv worked perfectly as it has for years on my computer. I had no problem watching games (even on my google chrome browser, that was a bit of a surprise) at work on my computer. But when I got home and wanted to put up games on my tv via my LG blu ray player... I got to watch 2 seconds before "cannot connect to MLB.tv server". BASTARDS! And this problem did not just persist for opening day. It has been a problem for days until finally a firmware update was released that fixed the issue late on April 9th.
The problem with this was that I had bookmarked a couple of sites (like the LG and MLB forums) that promised an update when the problem was resolved. Nope, nothing. It has been out for two days and no site manager has let the masses know the issue has been fixed. Come on people, let your customers know the issue has been resolved.
Anyway, the LG update BD.8.31.339.C has finally resolved the issue. The first couple days it was tough to download because their servers were being stressed, but you should not have an issue now. I can now watch in frustration as Pujols struggles at the plate in beautiful HD on my TV and not just my computer. This was unacceptable, lets not allow this to happen again.
One of the few benefits to living in the area is a direct broadcast of FSMW. I'm enjoying the fact that they are moving away from strictly Dan and AL. Ricky Horton has done a great job filling in and I move to officially regale Al to the post game report. Let him take over Will the Thrill's job.